Sunday, February 3, 2013


2013 Annual Benefit
Friday, April 26th
at the Deer Path Inn, Lake Forest

Please save the date for HP Community's Annual Benefit.  It's a lovely evening with dinner, entertainment, raffle drawings and a live auction all in the company of our fellow Community friends, family and staff.  This year we will also be honoring our wonderful director, Jean Wallace-Baker, as she retires after 31 years of faithful service to our school. Invitations will be in the mail shortly.
Also, each family is being asked to PLEASE help the benefit be a great success by making a tax-deductible donation of goods and/or services to be included in our raffle packages or by purchasing ad space in our program book.  If you can't personally make a contribution, we kindly ask that you ask places you patronize, friends, family, co-workers, etc. if they would give a gift card or certificate or buy ad space to benefit our school. Perhaps a restaurant your family frequents will offer a gift certificate or a friend who works for the travel industry might be able to donate something that would complement our travel raffle package.  Mrs. Carlson's dad owns a time share and he is donating a week's stay in 2 bedroom/2bath condo in Orlando!  You never know unless you ask!  If we got just one item from each family, big or small, our raffle packages would be more enticing and the more raffle tickets we'd sell. Be creative!  Think out of the box! Community needs you!
In recent years, funding for educational programs has dramatically diminished, challenging us to secure revenue from alternative sources.  We rely heavily on the greater community, including individuals and businesses, to sustain our programs and retain staff.   The money we make will go directly to helping our school continue to do all the wonderful things it does to support and care for children and families at both the main site and the Little Giants site.
If you haven't already received one at school, donation letters and tax receipt forms are available at school by the sign-in sheets. The deadline for donations is Feb. 15.

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