Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What's new in the Little Giants Classroom?

In the classroom we have been learning about;
* having good table manners
* reading books like; Please say please and What's Polite
* how to protect others and ourselves from germs
* Thanksgiving
* what are we thankful for?
* the letter Tt
* reading books like: Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks and A Turkey for Thanksgiving

Coming up....

* we will begin a unit on trains
* different kind of trains
* how they move
* where they go
* we will read books like; Freight Train and The Polar Express
* letters; Rr, Aa & Cc
* upcoming winter holidays

Speaking of upcoming holidays, here is a copy of our school calendar.
I added the scheduled staff meetings and our hearing and vision testing day!

Little Giants Day Care Program
2012-2013 School Calendar


21........ WEDNESDAY........... CLOSED: HPHS No School

22........ THURSDAY.............. CLOSED: Thanksgiving Day

23........ FRIDAY.................... CLOSED: HPHS No School

26........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


11........ TUESDAY................ Vision and Hearing testing at 9:00

17........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

21-31... FRIDAY - MONDAY. CLOSED: Winter Break


1-4....... TUESDAY - FRIDAY. CLOSED: Winter Break

7 ......... MONDAY................ Reopens @ 7:00am
                                               Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.  

21........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: Martin Luther King’s Birthday       

25........ FRIDAY.................... Bring a lunch

28........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


4......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

18........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: President’s Day

19........ TUESDAY................. Bring a lunch

25........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


4.......... MONDAY................ CLOSED: Casimir Pulaski Day

18........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

25-29... MONDAY - FRIDAY. CLOSED: Spring Break


1.......... MONDAY................ Day Care Resumes

8......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

22........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

23-24... TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY ..Bring a lunch


6......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

20........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

27........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: Memorial Day Holiday


6.......... THURSDAY.............. Bring a lunch

10-14... Monday- FRIDAY.... Bring a lunch   

14........ FRIDAY.................... Last Day of Day Care
The snow will be coming sooner then we would like
* please make sure that your child has snowpants, snowboats, waterproof gloves/mittens and a hat everyday!
* we will be going outside and playing in the snow, as long as the wind chill is 20 degrees or warmer.
* it's also a good idea to keep an extra pair of pants & socks at school just incase they get wet from the snow and need to change while their clothes dry.
Very important reminders!!!
* Please remember to turn in all paperwork that is missing from your child's folder, by Monday, November 19th! I recieved a letter today from our licensing rep reminding me.
If I gave a a paper last week that stated your child was missing something (birth certificate, lead test recognition, TB test recognition and/or signature page of licensing standards), please get that to me ASAP, so your child can continue to come to school.
* If your child is going to be absent or come an extra day, please call us by 8:00am, so we can order the correct number of lunches, 847-432-3328.

Upcoming Event! 
                                   Pajama Day!             

* On Thursday, December 20th, we will be having a pajama day to close out our unit of trains with the Polar Express and to celebrate going on Winter Break!

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