Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from the Little Giants!


Our music teacher, Ms. Carol, taught us a cute Thanksgiving song called The Turkey Hop.  Watch and enjoy and have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!  See you next week!
Heike and Emmett play in the boat.
Kate and Tommy devise a shoot for plastic bottles.

Mrs. Fieldman reads a story.

Friends, Hana and Ava, listen to the story.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What's new in the Little Giants Classroom?

In the classroom we have been learning about;
* having good table manners
* reading books like; Please say please and What's Polite
* how to protect others and ourselves from germs
* Thanksgiving
* what are we thankful for?
* the letter Tt
* reading books like: Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks and A Turkey for Thanksgiving

Coming up....

* we will begin a unit on trains
* different kind of trains
* how they move
* where they go
* we will read books like; Freight Train and The Polar Express
* letters; Rr, Aa & Cc
* upcoming winter holidays

Speaking of upcoming holidays, here is a copy of our school calendar.
I added the scheduled staff meetings and our hearing and vision testing day!

Little Giants Day Care Program
2012-2013 School Calendar


21........ WEDNESDAY........... CLOSED: HPHS No School

22........ THURSDAY.............. CLOSED: Thanksgiving Day

23........ FRIDAY.................... CLOSED: HPHS No School

26........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


11........ TUESDAY................ Vision and Hearing testing at 9:00

17........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

21-31... FRIDAY - MONDAY. CLOSED: Winter Break


1-4....... TUESDAY - FRIDAY. CLOSED: Winter Break

7 ......... MONDAY................ Reopens @ 7:00am
                                               Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.  

21........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: Martin Luther King’s Birthday       

25........ FRIDAY.................... Bring a lunch

28........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


4......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

18........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: President’s Day

19........ TUESDAY................. Bring a lunch

25........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.


4.......... MONDAY................ CLOSED: Casimir Pulaski Day

18........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

25-29... MONDAY - FRIDAY. CLOSED: Spring Break


1.......... MONDAY................ Day Care Resumes

8......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

22........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

23-24... TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY ..Bring a lunch


6......... MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

20........ MONDAY................ Staff meeting, please pick up by 4:00 if possible.

27........ MONDAY................ CLOSED: Memorial Day Holiday


6.......... THURSDAY.............. Bring a lunch

10-14... Monday- FRIDAY.... Bring a lunch   

14........ FRIDAY.................... Last Day of Day Care
The snow will be coming sooner then we would like
* please make sure that your child has snowpants, snowboats, waterproof gloves/mittens and a hat everyday!
* we will be going outside and playing in the snow, as long as the wind chill is 20 degrees or warmer.
* it's also a good idea to keep an extra pair of pants & socks at school just incase they get wet from the snow and need to change while their clothes dry.
Very important reminders!!!
* Please remember to turn in all paperwork that is missing from your child's folder, by Monday, November 19th! I recieved a letter today from our licensing rep reminding me.
If I gave a a paper last week that stated your child was missing something (birth certificate, lead test recognition, TB test recognition and/or signature page of licensing standards), please get that to me ASAP, so your child can continue to come to school.
* If your child is going to be absent or come an extra day, please call us by 8:00am, so we can order the correct number of lunches, 847-432-3328.

Upcoming Event! 
                                   Pajama Day!             

* On Thursday, December 20th, we will be having a pajama day to close out our unit of trains with the Polar Express and to celebrate going on Winter Break!

Friday, November 2, 2012

LIttle Giants' Halloween

Mrs. Pallarino and Mrs. Nemcek took the children all around the high school to go wish people a happy Halloween. The next day, Mrs. Carlson asked the children to describe the experience and this is what some of them said:
Ava: We got candy.  We made trick or treat bags.  Instead of saying "trick or treat", we said "Happy Halloween!"  We met some people and we got a lot of candy.  We went to a lot of places.  Emmett was dressed up like a choo choo train.
Heike: I wore my batman costume.  We got some candy.  We saw Kate's mom.
Tommy: We went to different rooms and we got different candy and toys and playdough.
I got tatoos too.
Kate:  I dressed up like Santa Claus. We got Spiderman stickers.  We got candy.  We went to my mom's office and I wanted to stay there.





Coming up next week:  Dump Day! 
(Exploring the contents of our art studio bags w/ Mrs. Lowery)